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How does someone successfully pivot their life after a decade-long career in accounting to become a successful UX Designer?

Equal parts soul searching, education upgrading, hard work, and leaning into soft skills . Oh, and a sprinkle of luck to blend it all together nicely.

I've always been passionate about finding innovative solutions to unique problems. 

As a  UX designer, I use my creativity and analysis skills in tandem. 


That's exactly why it worked out so well! Because design is a fascinating blend of art and science. I have the ability to see the big picture and understand how parts of something relate to the whole. I also feel right at home making data-driven decisions based on research.

I'm naturally curious about the experiences people have when using a product. I use my empathetic nature to develop a deep understanding of user goals and the barriers that they face when trying to achieving them.

My portfolio is under construction.
To reach out, contact me on linkedin.

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